
Your server must be restarted to properly register all commands.

Required Settings

In all chats you are required to have the following:

name: "Chat Name" - The name of the chat.

commands:- The commands that will activate the chat. Must be in formatted in a list (see example below).

send_perm: "send.permission" - The permission required to send a message or send event to the chat.

read_perm: "read.permission" - The permission required to receive the sent message / event message.


  name: "Chat Name"
   - "commandOne"
   - "commandTwo"
  send_perm: "send.permission"
  read_perm: "read.permission"

Optional Settings

Format Section

Placeholders: %player% - Player Name | %message% - Message

message: "Message Format - The format used when a player sends a message in the chat.

event: "Event Format" - The format used when a player triggers an event.


    message: "&7[&bMessage Format&7] &3%player%: %message%"
    event: "&7[&bStaffChat&7] &3%message%"

event_message: false - Should a message be sent to the chat if an event is triggered. Must be true/false.

sent_message: false - Should a message be sent to tell a player that their message was sent.

console: false - Should console be able to see and use the chat.

Toggle Section

enabled: true - Should the toggle feature be enabled.

message: "Toggled Message" - The message that is shown when you toggle a chat on/off.

commands: - The commands that will toggle the chat. Must be in formatted in a list (see example below).

    enabled: true
    message: "&aYou have toggled StaffChat (%status%)!"
     - "togglesc"
     - "togglestaffchat"
Hide Section

enabled: true - Should the hide feature be enabled.

message: "&aYou have %status% StaffChat! - The message that is shown when you hide/unhide a chat.

commands: - The commands that will toggle the chat. Must be in formatted in a list (see example below).

    enabled: true
    message: "&aYou have %status% StaffChat!"
     - "hidesc"
     - "hidestaffchat"

Config Placeholders

All PlaceholderAPI placeholders are valid.

%player% - Player Name

%message% - Staff Message / Event Message

%status% - Shows the status of toggle/hide chat.

Last updated