Configuration Files
# Configuration file for Gamemode Change.
# For support, please join my discord @
# Should your gamemode get updated on join to the server?
enabled: false
# 0 = Survival | 1 = Creative | 2 = Adventure | 3 = Spectator
gamemode: 0
# Do you want to make it so people can't access gamemode creative unless they have the bypass permission?
enabled: false
# Do you want to block OP'ed players from changing to gamemode creative?
blockOp: false
# Do you want the notification feature of a gamemode change to enabled or disabled?
enabled: false
# Should you get sent notifications for the different gamemodes?
creative: true
survival: true
adventure: true
spectator: true
# Toggle if your gamemode gets changed when you/a player dies.
enabled: false
# The gamemode you want players to change into if a player dies.
# deathToggle must be set to true.
# 0 = Survival | 1 = Creative | 2 = Adventure | 3 = Spectator
gamemode: 2
# Do you want you can also do this to other players to be enabled or disabled?
hasOtherPermsMSG: false
# Gamemode Change Messages File
# All messages can use colour codes.
# All messages support PlaceholderAPI.
# This is the message that comes up when you haven't got permission to do what you are trying to do.
# Use %perm% to get the permission for the action they are attempting to do.
noPerm: "&c[!] You do not have permissions to do that. You need &b%perm%&c."
# This message comes up when you have changed your gamemode.
# Use %gamemode% for the new gamemode.
changedGM: "&a[!] Your gamemode has been changed to &b%gamemode%&a!"
# This is the message that comes up when you have changed someone else's gamemode.
# Use %gamemode% for the new gamemode.
# Use %target% to show the targets name.
changedOther: "&a[!] You have changed &b%target%&a's gamemode to &b%gamemode%&a."
# You can change what the %gamemode% results could be.
creative: "CREATIVE"
survival: "SURVIVAL"
adventure: "ADVENTURE"
spectator: "SPECTATOR"
# This is the error message that will be displayed when a player isn't found.
invalidPlayer: "&c[!] The player provided is not found."
# This is the error message that will be displayed when a command is used incorrectly.
# Use %usage% to display the command and arguments.
invalidUsage: "&c[!] Valid usage: &b%usage%"
# This is the error message that will be displayed when an invalid gamemode is provided.
invalidGM: "&c[!] Invalid gamemode. Gamemodes: Creative, Survival, Adventure or Spectator."
# This is the message that is displayed if hasOtherPermsMSG is enabled.
othersMSG: "&7[!] You can change other players gamemodes."
# This is the error message that will be displayed when someoene tries to go into creative mode
# without the bypass anti-creative permission. (MUST BE ENABLED IN config.yml)
# Use %perm% for the anti-creative bypass permission.
antiCreativeError: "&c[!] You do not have permission to go into creative mode. You need the bypass permission (&b%perm%&c)."
# This is the message that will be sent when you have gamemode change's notification feature enabled.
# Use %player% to display the player name.
# Use %gamemode% to display the new gamemode.
main: "&c[!] &b%player% &chas just changed there gamemode to &b%gamemode%&c."
antiCreative: "&c[!] &b%player% &chas been blocked from going into creative. They have been kept as %gamemode%."
# Permissions configuration file for Gamemode Change.
# For support, please join my discord @
# To give player's permissions, you need a permission handler.
# Permission to be able to do the commands.
gamemode: 'gmchange.gamemode'
# Creative gamemode permission
creative: 'gmchange.creative'
# Survival gamemode permission
survival: 'gmchange.survival'
# Adventure gamemode permission
adventure: 'gmchange.adventure'
# Spectator gamemode permission
spectator: 'gmchange.spectator'
# Change other player's gamemode permission
others: 'gmchange.others'
# Permission to bypass features.
antiCreative: "gmchange.bypass.anticreative"
death: "gmchange.bypass.death"
notify: "gmchange.bypass.notify"
joinChange: "gmchange.bypass.join"
# Permission to receive gamemode change notifications.
main: "gmchange.notify"
antiCreative: "gmchange.notify.antiCreative"
Last updated
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